Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Review: 5G Do we really need it?

Following the presentation last Tuesday, 19th of Feb at Glyde-in, here is a review and most important questions and answers. The interest made me think and lodged a "Gofund Me" page to generate funds to establish an information campaign to continue the journey based on more research and to combine information from around the world to keep you updated. Yes, your contributions are most welcome.  

Please sign-up for the newsletter to get regular updates and to receive Q&A talks following the one at Glyde- In. You are welcome to get involved, please find more details at the end. 

Why you need to help?: Australia, as a first-world country with great universities, should be able to manage a political consultation process to include all relevant groups to be able to present a consideration of all relevant aspects when introducing more radiation to the public space, especially concerning the health of the public. Be part of the movement to support a transparent process and to intervene in case of uncertainty because the risk is to big to let it slip. You need to be part of it in helping to re-instate the institutional trust because the revealing of the royal commissions have shown how difficult it is to act in the best interest of the individuals. Lets help to get the ball rolling. Ta, Lorenz.


  • A review: Gordon was probably not the only one concerned the next day...

  • Questions and Answers

  • Receive updates regularly, free newsletter please sign up

  • Donations are welcome via the Go fund Me page

  • Get involved by helping to inform and update

  • To create awareness about the topic by remembering symptoms to look out for

  • Election in April, you might request your local member to explain their point of view to raise awareness about exposure to electro- magnetic radiation impacting parents, children and possibly the unborn grandchildren...

Review of the talk 19 of Feb at Glyde-in

Gordon was probably not the only one, who was there last Wednesday who happened to be a bit worried about the 5G mobile network roll-out and the impact of electro-magnetic radiation to his health after having discussed the presentation from the previous day, like 35 other participants at the Glyde-In in East Fremantle. 

The information presented by Lorenz Wuthrich started with hard facts about the 5G mobile network which is currently rolled-out by the telcos in Perth, as well as all cities of Australia and the rest of the world in an incredible speed.

Everyone understood quickly how much money was involved and that this technology can lead to a comparative advantage for businesses. The telcos are keen to provide the new service to the public to be a first mover to gain more clients to hold or increase their market share in a competitive market.  In case the NBN network would have some problems, which is not proven but possible and sort of visible by the amount of depreciation communicated via media, leads to an elevated interested to roll-out the 5G to move quickly to a better more stable solution. Obviously this is only a interpretation of many. 

The roll-out means that the hardware is installed in several suburbs (socio-economically recognisable)  connected and will be functionally tested. The hardware consist of devices to send and receive the frequency of millimetre waves every couple of hundred meters. In other words, the 5G network is like setting up a Wi-Fi network over the cities as the public space. 

Obviously, this hardware will be tested without letting the public know about the exact time and locations. The frequency needs to travel a certain distance approximately 300 meters per antenna and capable of a massive amount of data transfer. This leads to an increase of electro-magnetic radiation to human and nature, especially when you sum up all the networks present.

Radiation of mobile phones, don't keep your mobile phone in your pocket (stated in TC of Apple and Samsung phones) was the start, next was a list of effects from electro- magnetic radiation from scientists on human. Finally, key symptoms to look out for (sleeping problems, changes in chronicle illness, weight increase, headaches, nose bleedings, depression / suicidal thoughts).

Scientists from every corner of the world are putting up their alarm flag and raise their concern about the impact on human health and nature caused by electro-magnetic radiation from the mobile networks and the satellites sending frequencies back to earth. 

Questions and Answers

Questions from the audience, which still need answer or more information

How can we protect ourselves?

Clothing, curtains for your windows, silver lining in your bedroom and more action are possible. 

Can we opt-out of this technology?

You are part of the geographical area where the 5G is installed and tested then you are also exposed to the electromagnetic radiation in your daily life. 

You can raise your concern with your local community group talking to your local member of parliament like the group in the Blue Mountains did and managed to stop the roll-out. The residence also threatened to put their houses on the market for sale and to move somewhere else. I think, that might have had a huge impact. You could do the same or read what else they did. 

Receive updates regularly, free newsletter please sign up

Please sign up via this link to receive the latest updates about the findings on 5G network which are relevant for your health and home protection. Based on information available on the web edited and summarised for you.

Donations are welcome via the Go fund Me page

Please donate to support the information gathering and to be able to hold presentation for community groups free of charge.

Get involved by helping to inform and update

More than 30 people gathered last Tuesday, 19th of Feb at Glyde-In, East Fremantle to learn more about the 5G mobile network. 

To create awareness about the topic by remembering symptoms to look out for

Election in April, you might request your local member to explain their point of view to raise awareness about exposure to electro-magnetic radiation impacting parents, children and possibly the unborn grandchildren...

You would like your community to be updated, invite Lorenz to present his research and findings or follow him on his social media and read the newsletter.

Kind regards

Lorenz Wuthrich
Founder of the Team 5G Protection Perth

Mobile 0418580084

Website / blog


Facebook Group

Sun 10 of March | 11.30 until 2.30 Russian Food Fair





All the best


Irina Tomson


The Russian Association of WA Inc

0403 786 248

PO Box 28



Thursday, February 14, 2019

Invitation to Persian New Year Festival

Iranian Community of Western Australia invites you to join us to welcome spring together, rejoice in harmony, solidarity and friendship, and take inspiration from sharing, not only festive meals, but also new ideas that carry the spirit of NowRuz beyond this season. Our cultural heritage sustains wisdom and cultural cohesion that stretches across borders, making this the right time to recall the importance of the culture as a foundation of our society.


Details at:


It would be a great pleasure for us to see you at these events.

Please also feel free to pass this to the members of your networks, who might be interested in celebrating the Persian New Year with us.




Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Welcome to the weekly newsletter of the Cultural Community Group Leaders Perth

We share information from and for cultural community groups. The cross promotion events and activities to combine knowledge and know-how for the daily life of cultural associations and clubs in and around Perth is the aim. 

The newsletter is sent on a weekly basis and all cultural community groups and related services are invited to register to send their contributions for the newsletter via email to 

Lorenz, president of the Swiss Club WA, is currently administrator of this process and its automation. This newsletter is extraordinary because Lorenz has indeed contributed a lot which is normally not the case. However there are currently some courses of value for the cultural community groups which need some awareness. 

Kind regards

Cultural Community Group Leaders 

Lorenz and Co. from Abovy     

Ps: The next Forum is promoted further down!! See you there!

Talk: Spot a Scam | Tue 19 Feb at 2 pm

It takes good skill or a bad experience to recognise a scam, whether it comes by phone, email or a website. Lorenz shows what to watch for, when to duck, and where to go for reports and specialist info. He also offers some useful tips to keep your online shopping risks to a minimum. Note, this is a presentation and not hands-on.  

$17, $12 for Members, $8 Concession

Date:  Tuesday 19-Feb-2019
Single session (Open)
Time 2:00pm for 1 hr
Venue: Glyde-In Garden Room
Facilitator: Lorenz Wuthrich
21 places available 

Online Booking

Kind regards
Lorenz Wuthrich
President Swiss Club WA

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

You're invited to Introduction to Consciousness Methods with Dr.... (20/02/2019)

Dear Cultural Community Group Leader,

Dr Oec. Katharina Friedrich is for the first time in Australia. Her methods are becoming trendy among the therapists in Europe. She includes methods which originate in Easter Europe (now in use in the Russian Space program) to increase mental and physical well-being. 

Event to be held at the following time, date and location:

Wednesday, 20 February 2019 from 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm (AWST)

6 Cutts Street
Hamilton Hill, WA 6163

View Map

Share this event:

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Dr. Katharina Friedrich from BeTeWi-Akademie Berlin will introduce her incredible workshops and seminars:

  • Seeing without Eyes (for adults and children)
  • Figure Correction / Pranic Nutrition at the touch of a button
  • Quantenharmonie (activate your self-healing powers!) and
  • Tooth Regeneration

which are scheduled for February 21-25, 2019 in Perth.

Come with an open mind and be prepared to have your beliefs challenged.

You will get to find out first hand how it is possible to see through a blind fold mask, activate self-healing powers that can even regrow surgically removed organs, and program your body to endogenous nutrition mode when desired or required.

You will be amazed to see what human beings are capable of! There are no pre-requisites, anyone can learn and apply these ingenious methods Katharina herself used to reverse Paraplegia.



21, 22 & 23rd Feb, 9AM -12PM Seeing without Eyes 1

21, 22 & 23rd Feb, 1PM - 3:30PM Seeing wihtout Eyes 2

21, 22 & 23rd Feb, 4- 6 PM Seeing without Eyes for Children

24 Feb (Sunday) 9AM - 7PM Quantenharmonie Intensive

25 February 9AM - 12PM Tooth Regeneration

25 February 2PM - 7 PM Figure Correction / Pranic Nutrition at the touch of a button.




This Introduction evening (Wednesday 20th Feb) will be held at a private residence at 6 Cutts St, Hamilton Hill.

The Seminar Venue from 21 Feb- 25 Feb 2019 is A Place to Just Be, 4 Preston Point Rd, East Fremantle



Dr. Friedrich's speech about 'Seeing Without Eyes' at the 14th Anti-Censorship Coalition in Switzerland to an audience of 3000 people:

Interview with Katharina from January 2019:

5D-Flash Vibrational 'Pharmacy':



Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?

No, everyone is welcome.

How can I contact the organiser with any questions?

You can email Stefanie at

or call on 0403 763 860

Further information is available here:

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter.We hope you can make it!Cheers,Stefanie Kleinhenz


I share it because a lot of the Swiss fellows were very interested in learning trendy methods to activate 
their self-healing energies. 

Kind regards
Lorenz Wuthrich
President Swiss Club WA 

Talk: The Cyber Effect | Friday 15 of Feb at 10 am

Dear cultural community group leaders, 
The talk about the Cyber Effect is important to understand the effect of the Web. Obviously I would be delighted  to see you attending the seminar, otherwise I would be happy to present the talk at your association / club if you feel there is a need. 

The internet is changing human behaviours online. Cyber-psychologist Maria Aikens book The Cyber Effect offers a starting point for conversations about how the Internet is shaping development and behaviour, values, children and security. Lorenz Wuthrich explains, and offers ways to protect ourselves and our families from some of the less-desirable effects.

Cost $17 or $12 for Members or $8 Concession 
Single session
Session time 1 hr
Venue Glyde-In Garden Room
30 places remaining
Online Booking

Kind regards
President Swiss Club of WA
Lorenz Wuthrich

Talk: The 5G Mobile Network roll-out has begun in Perth / Australia

Dear cultural community group leaders, 
I have been asked to prepare a presentation about the 5G network for the Glyde-in in East Fremantle. Obviously I would be delighted  to see you attending the seminar, otherwise I would be happy to present the talk at your association / club if you feel there is a need. 

You might have already heard about the next f mobile phone network roll-out currently happening also here in Perth. There is a need for information which is presented here: 

Lorenz Wuthrich
5G, or fifth generation wireless network 5G promises faster and higher transmission capacity and includes the Internet of Things, driverless cars, and faster video streaming.  It will massively increase the microwave and millimetre wave radiation in our environment. It will also use new frequencies that many say have not been independently assessed.  5G is coming to Australia.  Meanwhile, scientists, doctors and environmentalists worldwide are alarmed, calling for a moratorium on its implementation the world over.  They fear it can affect our health, our finances, our privacy and nature itself.  Lorenz Wuthrich has been researching 5G; come hear more.
Tuesday 19 February, 3.30-4.30pm.           $12 / $8.   $17 non members.
(30 minutes after Lorenz's talk 'Spot a Scam' at 2pm that day.)

Glyde-In Community Learning Centre (Inc.)
42 Glyde Street, East Fremantle 6158
T:(08) 9339 3964

Please browse the website of the Glyde in to register or the see more courses you might want to attend. 

PS: In case you are not able to attend, please watch the video following this link


Kind regards & thank you for sharing 
Lorenz Wuthrich
President Swiss Club WA

Persian Business Network Night - Perth Residential Property Outlook

Iranian Community of Western Australia, cordially invite you to join our Business Network Night for a presentation on “Perth Residential Property Outlook”.


Date/Time: Wednesday 20th February 2019; 7-9 pm

Location: 2-4 Collins Street, South Perth WA 6151

Guest Presenter: Daniel McQuillan,

Language of the program: English

Admission: FREE, RSVP @



Iranian Community of Western Australia

A division of Iranian Association Inc
PO Box 1187 | Canning Bridge | WA 6153


TEL: 0405 766 208


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